Challenge Steps

Step one

Open Your Eyes

Fischer Park provides a rich and diverse habitat for many species of birds. Keep your eyes open as you walk around and listen for songbirds. You may see a grebe, heron, egret, scaup, vulture, hawk, caracara, kestrel, coot, dove, kingfisher, phoebe, cardinal, starling, waxwing, kingbird, swallow, wren, kinglet, mockingbird, warbler, flycatcher, hummingbird, woodpecker, swift, or grackle.

Step two

Beak Shape

The shape of a bird's beak can help tell you what kind of food they might eat. Hawks have strong, curved beaks for ripping the flesh of small animals. Seed eaters, like Sparrows and Wrens, have small straight beaks for pecking at seeds and small bugs. Ducks and some other water birds have wide, flat beaks for scooping up water, plants, and bugs. Can you tell what the birds you observed like to eat?

Step three

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