Trees Care for Your Peace of Mind
Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives badge

Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives

Trees Care for Your Peace of Mind! Did you know that exposure to forests decreases mental fatigue by relaxing and restoring your mind as well as providing a sense of security? Visit to learn more!

Challenge provided by: Texas A&M Forest Service
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Year-round icon Year-round
Start Date: Dec 5, 2023
  • This challenge is self-paced.
Less than 30 minutes icon < 30 minutes Easy icon Easy Outdoor Only icon Outdoor
 icon Free

This Challenge is for:

  • All Ages

Challenge Topics:

  • Nature and Mental Health
  • Physical Health and Exercise

Things you’ll need...

To complete this challenge

Step one

Before your begin ...

How are you feeling right now? Download the Journal PDF and write about what's on your mind today.

Step two

Find a spot near trees.

Find a space outdoors (or indoors with a view of trees) and follow along with the journal prompts.

Step three

Experience the impact of trees.

As you follow along, notice the impacts that trees can have on your body's senses.

Step four

Complete the badge survey.

Tell us what you noticed.

Step five

Earn your badge!


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Texas A&M Forest Service and cooperators collectively known as “Nature Challenge” have not inspected the physical locations of challenges. No warranty of safecondition, or fitness for particular use is granted by Nature Challenge. Nature Challenge has not vetted whether the challenges, as formatted by the Provider, is safe. Anyone performing this challenge will be doing so at their own risk.