Junior Forester third to fifth grade program
Junior Forester 3rd-5th grade program badge

Junior Forester 3rd-5th grade program

Looking for something fun AND educational to do with your kids while at Harbison State Forest? Consider participating in SC Forestry Commission’s Junior Forester program.
Families can visit the state forest’s Environmental Education Center to check out a backpack loaded with nature investigation supplies. They’ll also receive a grade level appropriate activity book (K-2 or 3-5) containing hands-on learning experiences that the children will complete while taking a self-guided hike in the forest. Upon completion, each child will receive a prize! The Junior Forester program is FREE of charge and available from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Walk-ins are welcome, but reservations are encouraged. Due to limited staffing, this program is not available on weekends.

Challenge provided by: SC Forestry Commission
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Recurring Event icon Recurring Event
Start Date: Feb 29, 2024
1–2 hours icon 1–2 hours Moderate icon Moderate Outdoor Only icon Outdoor
 icon Free

This Challenge is for:

  • Children (7-12 years)
  • 3rd Grade
  • 4th Grade
  • 5th Grade
  • Informal Educators

Challenge Topics:

  • Animals and Wildfire
  • Biodiversity
  • Connecting Children with Nature
  • Conservation/Environmental Education
  • Environmental Systems and Cycles
  • Green Careers
  • Homeschool
  • Land Stewardship
  • Nature and Mental Health
  • Outdoor Recreation
  • Physical Health and Exercise

This Challenge is accessible for:

  • People with Hearing Impairments
  • People with Sensory Sensitivities

Things you’ll need...

Don’t forget your...

  • Sunscreen
  • Water
  • Raincoat

To complete this challenge

Step one

Visit Harbison State Forest

Walk-ins are welcome, but reservations are encouraged. Due to limited staffing, this program is not available on weekends. Please contact SCFC Assistant Environmental Education Coordinator Beth Foley at bfoley@scfc.gov or (803) 896-8855 to make a reservation or to ask questions about the program.

Step two

Pick up a Jr Forester activity guide & backpack

You will pick up your materials at the Harbison State Forest Environmental Education Center. A staff member will orient you to the program and how to complete the activities.

Step three

Complete the Jr Forester activities

You will complete the activities and record your answers and observations in the activity guide.

Step four

Become a SC Forestry Commission Jr Forester

A staff member will check the work in your activity guide and discuss it with you. You will receive a certificate, a goody bag, a Jr Forester badge, and take the SCFC Jr Forester pledge. Congratulations!

Step five

Earn your badge!


Texas A&M Forest Service and cooperators collectively known as “Nature Challenge” have not inspected the physical locations of challenges. No warranty of safecondition, or fitness for particular use is granted by Nature Challenge. Nature Challenge has not vetted whether the challenges, as formatted by the Provider, is safe. Anyone performing this challenge will be doing so at their own risk.