Spring Scavenger Hunt badge

Spring Scavenger Hunt

Explore the Spring Season and discover

Challenge provided by: Quinta Mazatlan
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Seasonal icon Seasonal
Start Date: Mar 1, 2024
End Date: Jun 1, 2024
1–2 hours icon 1–2 hours Easy icon Easy Outdoor Only icon Outdoor
Gen. Admission: $3/Adult, $2 Children/Seniors icon Fixed Fee (Gen. Admission: $3/Adult, $2 Children/Seniors)

This Challenge is for:

  • All Ages
  • Informal Educators

Challenge Topics:

  • Animals and Wildfire
  • Connecting Children with Nature

This Challenge is accessible for:

  • People with Mobility Impairments

To complete this challenge

Step one

Visit the front desk to receive a scavenger hunt.

First, Participants should greet the front desk to receive a scavenger hunt and trail map OR see the visitors map under "Thing you'll need.

Step two

Before trailing off...

Make sure you have what you need to stay properly hydrated along the trail especially during the summer months. Grab a water from our giftshop, and a hat if you think you'll need one.

Step three


Explore the Spring Season! I wonder what new flora and fauna you will meet? I wonder which are familiar to you?

Step four

Return your sighting list for a TREASURE!

Once you have found all or most of Spring's wonders, please return your scavenger hunt to the front desk to collect a small TREASURE! If you did not find everything on the scavenger list, that is okay! Did you notice anything else that was missing from the list? Draw your sighting or share your experience with us! We'd love to hear form you!

Step five

Earn your badge!


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Texas A&M Forest Service and cooperators collectively known as “Nature Challenge” have not inspected the physical locations of challenges. No warranty of safecondition, or fitness for particular use is granted by Nature Challenge. Nature Challenge has not vetted whether the challenges, as formatted by the Provider, is safe. Anyone performing this challenge will be doing so at their own risk.