Forest background, animated children dressed like forestry professionals
Discovering Forest Careers Activity Booklet badge

Discovering Forest Careers Activity Booklet

Learn and explore forest careers through the Careers in the Forest Activity Book created by the Southern Group of State Foresters and the USDA Forest Service. Complete short activities, coloring pages, and learn skills and vocabulary related to green careers in forestry!

Challenge provided by: Georgia Forestry Commission
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Year-round icon Year-round
Start Date: Mar 22, 2024
1–2 hours icon 1–2 hours Easy icon Easy Indoor/Outdoor icon Indoor/Outdoor
 icon Free

This Challenge is for:

  • Children (7-12 years)
  • Families
  • Formal Educators
  • Informal Educators

Challenge Topics:

  • At Home
  • Connecting Children with Nature
  • Conservation/Environmental Education
  • Green Careers
  • Land Stewardship

Don’t forget your...

  • Pen/Pencil

To complete this challenge

Step one

Get the Activity Book

Download and print the Activity Booklet

Step two

Discover Careers in the Forest

Follow along: Play games, work puzzles, and read all about Forests, Forestry, and Careers in the Forest.

Step three

Accept the Challenge & Take the Quiz

Take the challenge quiz to test your knowledge and tell us which forest career you like best!

Step four

Earn Your Badge!

Add a new badge to your collection!

Step five

Earn your badge!


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